Thursday 12 January 2012

Poppy Power (Artist) Interview for album.

I: So congratulations on your Debut Album Are you excited for ‘Lights out’ to go on shelves?

P: Yes! So much! Its like a dream come true.

I: In one of your interviews it says that most of your lyrics were written when you were 14! I’ve listened to some of
the songs and they are very mature for a 14 year old.

P: Yes, I was a mature child, I grew up quickly and so did my music. My mum always calls me an ‘old soul!
(Laughs) -But everyone’s different and I’ve been writing songs and listening to music since I was…
 I can’t even remember not having headphones on or blazing tapes on full volume. Music is my life.

I: So when did you decide that you wanted to become a music artist?

P: I think it was when I watched my first live performance in 2005 at a festival… it just blew me away, I wanted to be on
that stage! After that festival, I dedicated myself to music, heart and soul.

I: Do you have any artists who you look up to or inspire you?

P: Oh so many! Lana Del Rey, Ellie Goulding, The XX, Beyonce- Beyonce’s music is nothing like mine, our genre’s are absolutely different,
but her stage presence- WOW, she’s amazing live!

I: What was it like when filming the music video. Howl.- That was your first time on a set?

P: You know, I wouldn’t call it a set, people keep on thinking that it was a set but I was literally barefoot in the woods!
We had early bird dog walkers staring at us as I ran through
the woods barefooted in the middle of November! It was so cold!! (Laughs)

I: Wow! Now that’s dedication!
So your touring in March?

P: Yes! The moment I heard I had my own tour, was without a doubt- The MOST exciting
 moment of my life! I’ve never been to
the U.S and I’m going to New York to perform on the 8th of March, so nervous!

I: Your single ‘Howl’ has already hit the U.S top ten as well
 as in the U.K no.1 spot for the last three weeks-

P: Really?! Wow, I didn’t know that! Three weeks (Smiles to herself.)

I: You must be really happy with the outcome of your first album?

P: You have no idea.

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