Saturday, 3 December 2011

ANCILLARY RESEARCH: Importance and Function of Digipaks

In one of our lessons, we discussed the importance and functions of digipaks to the artist and the industry. We looked at what it brings to the artists, the customers who buy them and how they are helping to combat piracy.

Digipaks are a varied form of a traditional CD in the sense that they have the same concept, but look entirely different at the same time. Being around for over a decade, digipaks have the same aspects of a CD case, but look different and contain much more material. CD cases only contain a front and back cover with images and a tracklist at the back (as well as the usual production info and barcode). Unlike digipaks, CD cases have no content inside what so ever. All that it contains inside is the CD itself. Digipaks are made to give something more back to their loyal fans by providing much more information about the artist, their music and the album itself within most digipaks. Because of this extra content and information, they are more expensive. This means that digipaks are able to bring in more profit compared to traditional CDs. Also, being made from cardboard means that digipaks feel more like an image from the artist to the consumer, making it feel more personal and valuable to the buyer. As it is made out of cardboard, it does not easily break as well when dropped for example. Digipaks offer more quality to the buyer hence its higher price tag. By including extras such as booklets, images and extra information, this adds added value to the digipak as it feels like the buyer is getting more than just a CD.
A unique 5 panel digipak.

As digipaks are covered in designs chosen by the artist to match his/her personality, genre of music and general thoughts, they are much more creatively designed. In the past all CD covers looked the same being in the same old plastic hard case with only a front and back cover to look at. Now digipaks offer much more with designs varying from 3 panels opening out like a book, to 5 panels opening out like a box.

The fact that digipaks can be so varied in designs means that they can be broadened out into different mediums. Digipaks are said to be targeted at dedicated fans who passionately follow the artist and their music. That is why digipaks are seen as a source of advertising. Artists are able to advertise their up and coming concerts/tours they may be holding. This is a useful form of advertising because, as some fans are genuine enough to purchase an artist's digipak (and not illegally download music for free off the internet), they are the targeted people artists aim for who are likely to buy concert tickets. Digipaks are seen to be targeted at true music fans who are willing to pay money for content and help an artist produce more music, rather than illegally downloading their music off the internet, thus killing the music industry. This is why digipaks are seen as important to the artist and industry. It is one of their last methods in trying to make money from the music they produce.

Unlike MP3 downloads, digipaks cannot be downloaded from the internet as it is a physical form of music and packaging. It is possible to download the images on one artist's digipak, but the process of putting it together would not be the same as purchasing the original. Digipak offers extra content that an illegal MP3 download cannot give. This can include artistic imagery, information about their music and physical extras such as detailed booklets. A digipak promotes the artist in ways an illegal download cannot, and also offers true originally and quality in every copy.

The "R" is becoming increasingly common on Rihanna's latest albums. It is seen as a trademark by the artist so whenever someone sees that "R", they instantly recognise that it is a product from Rihanna. 
Rihanna has been recently advertising herself as a brand by implementing her trademark "R" on every new album she releases. This is so that it is instantly known that it is an album from Rihanna. She is increasingly becoming like a brand as well as an artist. For instance, Rihanna's red hair look was copied by many around the world as she set a trend in our society. She has influenced people in ways through the artistic nature of her digipak cover for people to imitate her appearance. 

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