Tuesday 1 November 2011

Production - Editing the Music Video

After returning the filming equipment yesterday, myself and Poppy began putting together all the base tracks that we filmed. Poppy copied all of the footage onto our hard drive, before we imported it into Final Cut Pro and began to sort through the vast amount we have. I suggested that we categorize the videos into three folders - daylight, night and fairylight scenes - to make things easier for ourselves. We then placed every base track (twenty-three in total!) on different points on the timeline and synced them by following the tutorial we had back in the summer lessons on music video editing (see blog post about it here).

In today's lesson and with the group now together, we began to look at the footage more and to think about our editing ideas. For example, we tested our jump cut idea to show Poppy walking behind a tree, before emerging from another and so on. We also added markers to the beat of the song, again following the tutorial we had in the summer lessons, and then cut all the tracks up along the markers. We were then able to experiment with deleting different sections at random to produce a quick sample of what part of our music video may look like, which you can see below (minus the audio). Next lesson, we will begin to continue this further, but thinking carefully about what scenes we want where, repetition of shots according to the music track, etc. Looking at the Final Cut project file with all our base tracks is a bit daunting right now, but we are thrilled with our progress so far and are ready to give our best shot in bringing the vision we have for this music video to life.

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