Monday 24 October 2011

Planning - More Makeup Ideas

As our second day of filming slowly approaches we are still looking at different types of make up to use for our artist. (Poppy Power)
We are still unsure of what specific style of make up we're going to use for our shots in Queens Wood and Poppy's house but here are some ideas of potential styles we may go for. We want Poppy's make-up to be really extravagant and over the top to convey the different, alternative musician she is.

An example of abnormal, over the top make up to make the artist stand out and create a slightly surreal situation.

We also don't want to forget nail varnish as well! It could either match the make up of the artists as her hands will be visible in several close ups we have planned but also different colours will brighten the image and we don't want to leave her nails half painted if we do decide to paint them as it will be noticeable and won't look very professional.

Here is some colouring we could use to create the allusion of blue tears on Poppy's face, another abstract style of make up that could look really good if it works!

On my way home I saw a huge Billboard of Florence and the Machine, promoting her  new album Lungs. Billboards are always a great way to promote artists as the stand out so much!

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