Following our storyboard |
As we went on selecting clips to work with, a snippet from the base track we filmed of Poppy sped up with the wolf projection stuck out for me and reminded me of a music video I had seen. The scene in question shows Poppy's hair flying in slow motion (after we slowed it down - at this point the lip syncing had not begun), with the slow motion + billowy hair effect featuring prominently in the video for Cocoon by Alpines. Below you can see a photo I took comparing still shots from the video and above the video itself. It uses a pretty simple concept in terms of the composition, with no location shots, but the intricate editing shines through and made us realize that we must be very careful if we are to use any special effects.
We also toyed with the idea of at least two of us spending time editing out of lessons, and whilst doing so, creating multiple versions of our Final Cut project file in case other group members suggest different ideas and we must revert to previous editing. This was suggested by our teacher Annabel as we only have three weeks from today until everything to do with the music video production is due, which isn't as long as I imagined. Therefore, we drew up a schedule of when each of us didn't have lessons and were free to edit (including most lunch times). This will begin on Monday with myself and Poppy coming in at lunch (Charon and Mustafa have other commitments at this time, but we'll be seeing more of them during the week.)